The Discipline Inspection Commission of environmental investment group held a clean government talk meeting for new employees

Meeting site
On the morning of October 24, the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the environmental investment group held a clean government talk meeting before the appointment of new personnel. Gao Xiang, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, had a talk with 29 cadres newly appointed and promoted since the establishment of the environmental investment group.
Gao Xiang pointed out that the purpose of honest talk is to educate and guide the majority of Party members and cadres to improve their political positions, further enhance their awareness of honest work, and improve their ability of anti-corrosion and anti-corruption, and resist risks. At the same time, Gao Xiang put forward four requirements for new posts and promotion of Cadres:
First, recognize the situation and enhance the sense of integrity and self-discipline. We should always pay attention to ourselves, restrain ourselves, and achieve "four prudence": prudence at the beginning, prudence in independence, prudence in micro and prudence in communication. The second is to strengthen learning and improve comprehensive ability and quality. We should take learning as the basis of doing all kinds of work well, as the guarantee of enhancing the executive ability and the important content of strengthening our own construction. We should focus on strengthening the learning of political theory, business, management, law and other aspects of knowledge, build a strong ideological and moral defense line, and comprehensively improve our own comprehensive quality. Third, we should fulfill our duties and be loyal to the cadres. We should cultivate and strengthen the consciousness and ability of self-discipline and self-control, always keep in mind our own identity and responsibilities, and strive to be a good cadre who is loyal and clean to the party; fourthly, we should settle big accounts, and be a person who abides by laws and disciplines. As the cadres and workers of state-owned enterprises, they should keep awe of power, keep clear mind at all times, abide by rules and regulations, operate in accordance with regulations, be clear and innocent, and have no conscience. Only in this way can they make steady progress in their work and career.
This honest talk shows the company's Discipline Inspection Committee's concern and love for Party members and cadres. The newly appointed and promoted personnel have further enhanced their sense of integrity and responsibility through this integrity talk. They have expressed that in the future work, they will cherish the cultivation and trust of the organization, carry out their work in accordance with the rules and regulations, constantly improve their ability and ability, strive to create new performance in the work, and contribute to the sustainable and healthy development of the environmental investment group Quantity.

Signature of incorruptible tree
     After the meeting, the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the environmental investment group held a signing ceremony for the "integrity culture tree". The participants signed their names on the "integrity culture tree" which symbolizes integrity and self-discipline in turn, and pressed a bright red fingerprint to show their determination to abide by the law and practice integrity. (Li Yang, discipline inspection and supervision department of Environmental Investment Group)